5 ways to heal from a breakup
Breakups are always painful, no matter who you are. Whether it’s a five-year relationship or one that lasted only a few months, the depths of emotion and connection that had been built often feel irreplaceable when things come to an end. The recovery process can be incredibly difficult; however, with the right guidance and support system in place you can learn how to heal from this experience emotionally. Here we explore five powerful ways to aid your journey towards healing after a breakup – no matter where you start at on this path of rediscovery.
1. Talk to someone about what you’re going through – a friend, therapist, or even an online support group
Break ups are a difficult experience that can leave us feeling overwhelmed, and so it is important to talk to someone about what you’re going through. A friend, therapist or online support group can provide much needed support and understanding during this transition. When having the chance to share your struggles, you will find strength and perspective as well as an opportunity to feel connected and not alone. Reaching out is an important step in taking your own power back, so don’t hesitate to seek out a listening ear.
2. Exercise to release endorphins and improve your mood
Following a breakup, it’s a smart move to take your mental health and well-being into consideration. Physical exercise is a scientifically proven way to improve your mental wellbeing. It helps the brain to produce Endorphins, which is responsible for that “feel-good” factor in both your mood and energy levels. Incorporating exercise into one’s routine during breakup healing can be an undeniably beneficial addition in terms of improving mood. Additionally, it will help distract you from focusing on thoughts related to breakup pain or worries. Research shows that as little as 15 minutes of aerobic activity is capable of releasing endorphins, which could alleviate symptoms associated with breakup distress.
3. Eat healthy foods to give your body the nutrients it needs
A breakup can be both a physical and emotional ordeal, making it important to arm your body with the right nutrients for healing. Eating healthy foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains and proteins is an essential part of giving your body what it needs to repair itself. Incorporate foods rich in Vitamin B, which helps to regulate hormones associated with stress and mood, as well as fish that is loaded with Omega-3 fatty acids known to improve overall mental health. In addition to promoting proper healing after a breakup, eating a balanced diet now can also help protect you from potential physical and mental difficulties in the future.
4. Get plenty of sleep to help your body heal physically and emotionally
Getting a good night’s sleep can contribute significantly to the healing process after a breakup, especially if you have been going through an emotionally draining time. Sleep plays a major role in promoting physical and mental restoration and improving overall health. When we are well rested and feel more relaxed, we become much better equipped to face our emotions head on. By allowing yourself plenty of restful sleep each night, it allows your body to heal from the breakup both physically and emotionally so that you can focus on rebuilding your sense of self-worth, self-love and resilience. Quality sleep can also help your brain process emotions associated with feelings leading up to or after a breakup in a more constructive way. So if you are trying to get through this difficult time, make sure you prioritize getting plenty of sleep each night.
5. Spend time doing things you enjoy, whether it’s reading, watching movies, or spending time with friends and family
Right now, spending time focusing on yourself and your own joy is the best route to take in healing from a breakup. Allowing yourself to pick up activities that you used to enjoy prior to your breakup can be an excellent way of therapeutic release. These self-care activities can be reading, going for hikes, watching movies or spending more time with loved ones. Everyone will have different ways of coping so take the time to find out what works for you. For example, my favorite self-care is taking a nice long bath with candles and bath salts! I always feel like a new person after this tiny treat for myself.
In conclusion:
Breakups are hard, but there are ways to make the healing process a little bit easier. By following these five steps, you can start to pick up the pieces and move on with your life. So, take some time for yourself, cut off contact with your ex, keep busy, reach out to your friends and family, and most importantly, be patient. Rome wasn’t built in a day, nor is healing a broken heart.
If you feel like you may benefit from professional help, reach out for a free 15 minute consultation with one of our therapists.